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  1. #1

    How do I create my own races/classes

    As Rolemaster classic does not include the Middle Earth races and we play in middle-earth I need to add them. Also we play with some non standard classes no included in the latest Rolemaster classic such as the mystic, druid and paladin. So I would need to add custom classes as well.

  2. #2
    There are 2 ways to approach this. You can either enter the information on a character by character basis within FG or you can create a module with the new races and professions.

    If you aren't comfortable modifying FG modules and XML then I would recommend just filling in the appropriate information within FG.

    For races:
    • Type in the name of the race in the race field on the main tab of the character sheet.
    • Fill in the appropriate stat modifiers in the race column of the stats.
    • Fill in the appropriate RR modifiers in the race column of the stats.

    For professions:
    • Enter the profession name in the profession field on the main tab.
    • Enter the appropriate realm in the realm field
    • As skills are added to the skill tab they won't automatically fill in the skill costs so you will need to fill in the cost for each skill added. Type them in just like they are in the rulebook. For example, 5, 2/4, and 2* are all valid entries.

    If you want to try making your own module so they will be available from the drop down lists then you can get a sample by doing this:
    • Copy the RMCCharacterLaw.mod file
    • Rename your copy from .mod to .zip
    • Open up the zip file
    • You should see a common.xml and client.xml file. They contain the same information so just grab one of them to use as your sample.

    You will want to make your own versions of the following sections:
    • root.reference.racedata
    • root.reference.professions
    • root.reference.skilllist

    I think you will be able to figure out the basics for racedata and professions. The skilllist section will only be needed because the profession skill costs are listed in them. The tags in the costs section need to match the tag you used for the profession in the professions section. For example a fighter would have a <fighter> tag in the professions section and in the skill costs section of the skill list.

    Hopefully this helps you get started. Please let me know if you need more detail.

  3. #3
    A good start but what I really what to do is add lets say 10 middle earth races to the existing RM Classic races and the same with the professions.

    I opened the files I see some data but how do I know how many different sections I need to add/edit to add one race.
    Last edited by Marc B; October 2nd, 2013 at 05:07.

  4. #4
    damned's Avatar
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    you would then need to either:
    edit the modules containing this info but they could/would get over written by any future updates to the RMC ruleset
    create an extension which will add you info in addition to the RMC ruleset
    this will require you to learn some XML but hopefully not any LUA...

    so - it will not be a trivial thing to implement but if you are going to use this for a long running campaign it might be worth your while.
    if you dont include copy and paste descriptions from your sources - using only stats and names you should probably be ok to share your extension too... disclaimer:IANAL

  5. #5
    If you create an additional module, then you will be able to do that. Once you load the new module with the additional races and professions the drop downs should contain the new information from the modules the when you open a character sheet.

    The attached zip file is a sample I put together to help someone with this in the past. It contains a wereboar race from RMC 6 that he wanted for a character of his.

    Just rename the zip file to a .mod file and put it in your modules directory. Then start up FG and you should see Rolemaster Companion VI in the module list. Open the module and then open a character sheet. You should see Wereboar in the race drop down list.

    If you need help with getting started, send me a PM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by damned View Post
    you would then need to either:
    edit the modules containing this info but they could/would get over written by any future updates to the RMC ruleset
    create an extension which will add you info in addition to the RMC ruleset
    this will require you to learn some XML but hopefully not any LUA...

    so - it will not be a trivial thing to implement but if you are going to use this for a long running campaign it might be worth your while.
    if you dont include copy and paste descriptions from your sources - using only stats and names you should probably be ok to share your extension too... disclaimer:IANAL
    Thanks damned. There isn't any LUA needed. It is just modifying XML to create the module. I included a sample to see how it is done for a race.

  7. #7

    own Modul are not displayed


    I modified the sample XML file from the post above.

    But the modified version it will not appear as modul within Fantasy Ground.
    The orignal is working.

    I tried to enter same RMC I races.

    The modul is attached.

    may be somebody can help me.

    :-) plastictotoro

  8. #8
    I found a couple things that needed to be changed.

    First the definition.xml and other files need to be at the root of the mod(zip) file. It is currently in a sub folder. Once I change this it showed up in the modules list but generated a few errors.

    There were a few closing tags missing in the XML file. Each tag needs to be closed or the file won't load properly. Attached is a new version with the changes so you can compare it to your version. Just rename it from .zip to .mod before trying to use it.

  9. #9
    Thank you for your quick answers.
    I found the reasons for the mistakes.

    May I ask an additional question?
    The ID-tag must be unique within the XML File, these means for races, spells and professions the tag must be unique, or only within one set, e.g. races?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by plastictotoro View Post
    Thank you for your quick answers.
    I found the reasons for the mistakes.

    May I ask an additional question?
    The ID-tag must be unique within the XML File, these means for races, spells and professions the tag must be unique, or only within one set, e.g. races?
    Only within one set so keep all the races with unique IDs but the professions or spells could duplicate one of the race IDs.

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