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  1. #21
    phantomwhale's Avatar
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    By "anyone", you mean me

    Doswelk is right - the group functionality needs a good re-write to get it working correctly, and I hope to do that as part of 3.2 (currently under development).

    That said, whilst I am the one and only developer, much of the work of developing new ruleset versions is in coming up with new ideas for interface enhancement and improvements, as well as submitting detailed bug reports (e.g. highlighting under what conditions the problems occur) on existing issues - and this is where I'm asking for a little assistance from the community.

    So as the original post of this thread says, if you'd like to submit a reasonably detailed report (to https://savagefgii.idea.informer.com/) of the things that go wrong with groups in the combat tracker, it'll help me focus on exactly what bugs I am looking to fix when I get to it. Plus other users can then vote on it, which gives me a better idea of which fixes are more important.

  2. #22
    Doswelk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phantomwhale
    By "anyone", you mean me

    So as the original post of this thread says, if you'd like to submit a reasonably detailed report (to https://savagefgii.idea.informer.com/) of the things that go wrong with groups in the combat tracker, it'll help me focus on exactly what bugs I am looking to fix when I get to it. Plus other users can then vote on it, which gives me a better idea of which fixes are more important.
    One of my Combat Tracker videos goes into detail about the bug, I'll have to watch them again to work out which one it was.
    My players just defeated an army, had a dogfight with aliens, machine-gunned the zombies, stormed the tower, became Legendary and died heroically

    Yours are still on combat round 6

    Get Savage
    Ultimate License Holder.
    First GM to post a game for the original FG Con!

  3. #23

    Couple of possible minor bugs ?

    Hi guys
    Thought I would post here first, as these may not be bugs, it could just be me being a total n00b.

    See attached picture, from a Realms of Cthulhu game I ran last week:

    a) the box in red highlights a 'U' status set of creatures, yet when I throw in some more via the mook button, the name of the Creature & it's Toughness / Parry stats appear. ( The Parry would have also shown, but it was variable for the fight, so I had set it to zero ). I cannot think of a work around for this one, except to unstat them, but their name will still appear ?

    b) the box in orange - the personality text doesn't wrap ( is that the right tech term ) in this example, one of the lines states "If WOUNDS suffered, terror check or...." out of shot "suffer from 2d4 Mental Anguish".
    The next line down is also hidden. The only way around this, currently is to limit text per line to so many characters, which is a bit fiddly to be honest.

    Any suggestions guys ?

  4. #24
    phantomwhale's Avatar
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    Re: point (a) - probably a group combat bug. I've honestly not looked at this yet (will do for v3.2). I generally find it broken and just use a single entry for all my monsters. Which means no targetting support for groups, but we get around that by VOIP chatting who we're going for (if not obvious) or drawing small burst templates around them if it gets too ambiguous !

    So yeah, sucks, and I really want to fix it.

    (b) For Special Abilities, there is a "description" line, which is revealed when you have the cursor in the "name" line, or when there has been some text entered into the field. This is a mutli-text line, and usually where the description would go.


    This shows one ability with multi-line description text, and another ability which has the cursor "focus" on it, hence it's (currently empty) description line is showing.

    *stops to think*... actually, you won't see the actual empty line for the description field, but it IS there for you to click onto and use. There will be a bugfix in the next version (3.2) to make the line visible : https://sw4fg2.tumblr.com/post/56191...-abilities-now
    Former SW ruleset / Deadlands extension author. Now I just wanna play a few games. And maybe hack. A little.

  5. #25
    Hi there
    Many thanks for the reply, and for pointing out the script line in (b), I must have missed that somewhere, as I didn't realise it existed.

    As for the group combat thing, yeah glad it is being seen to. I have used it, and although it does crash exactly as Doswelk describes in his vlog ( if you remove the main guy that the others tag into, an error message occurs ) I found that the combat would still run, although the error message appeared every round. As for who's which mook is shooting/ being targeted, well yes we use Skype, so get around it that way. Drawing the circles is a good tip too, thanks !


    PS: Do you want me to put these in the development request log ?

  6. #26
    On the subject of posting in the suggested improvements, I have already placed one in there, regarding the invisible tokens. Below are two pictures showing my point, (from the GM's POV ). If the German sniper is set to invisible, he is virtually invisible for the GM too ! This map was much bigger, and had two snipers up trees, I couldn't find them myself, during the game Maybe there is a work around for this, with some setting ? Any thoughts would be appreciated. BTW - The sniper is 5 squares above the D10 in a tree
    Last edited by zackspacks; June 30th, 2011 at 00:45.

  7. #27
    phantomwhale's Avatar
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    Happy for entries to be added to the wishlist for the group combat tracker. Currently I'm aware that it "basically is a bit odd", but if someone could break that down into "the following things don't work" then I'd be able to make sure I tackle all the problems when I rewrite it.

    Regarding the invisible tokens, I can take a look when I get to it. I'm not overly familiar with that chunk of code / behaviour right now. Can never be sure how much is "Savage Worlds does that" verses "All rulesets do that" until I start mucking about with it !
    Former SW ruleset / Deadlands extension author. Now I just wanna play a few games. And maybe hack. A little.

  8. #28
    Thanks for the reply mate, I have added links to my above two posts to the bug/ideas tracker, as follows

    'U' status Personalities stats visible in group mode:

    Invisible tokens being virtually invisible for the GM :

    For everyone that votes, I will be offering a virtual Benny !


  9. #29
    phantomwhale's Avatar
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    It look like token visibility is "built in" to the Images - e.g. there is nothing I can twiddle my end to change this.

    Might want to post in the House of Healing forum, or search around a bit to see if others have had this issue. Any fix would need to come from the core engine, I think.

    Have put my vote on the Comabt tracker group issue !
    Former SW ruleset / Deadlands extension author. Now I just wanna play a few games. And maybe hack. A little.

  10. #30
    Thanks mate
    Right, I will check into the House of Healing, and have a good search around later today, then if there is no obvious solution, I will post the problem on there.

    PS: Thanks for the vote !

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