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  1. #31
    Thread necro (I started it, so I feel I can do that ). Anyone started (or considering starting) a Cortex or Cortex Plus rule set with the new CoreRPG functionality in place (obviously it would have to be community, since Margaret Weiss Productions isn't interested in expanding into the VTT market, apparently)? I still want to run serenity in FG and never got anything in place I was happy with trying to use the Savage Worlds or old Core or Unicore functionality. Don't want to double up work if someone's started it, but if no-one has I might give it a go.


  2. #32
    It looks like someone has been developing a "new" cortex system that looks suspiciously like the cortex classic system. it's still in the kick starter phase but Cam Banks may be open to negotiations. here is a link to the page.


  3. #33

  4. #34
    I already purchased a PDF of the book redubed Cortex "Classic" so I am a little reluctant to shell out another $10 for a book that from the description will be largely the same. the Kickstarter home page discribes it as a "rewriten version of it's two protosessors, Cortex (classic) and Cortex Plus. here is a quote of the rule system.

    At its heart, Cortex Prime is a system that starts with engaging characters.

    Rank your character's core traits with varying sizes of dice.
    Choose which traits are appropriate for the actions your character takes in the game, pick up their dice, and roll 'em.
    Choose two of the dice that you rolled and add them together, comparing that result to an opposing result or difficulty number.
    Did you beat the opposition? Fantastic, you succeed! If not, you don't get what you want and now you've got to deal with the consequences.
    Want to increase your chances of pulling off those cinematic actions? You've got a pool of plot points you can spend to make that happen, or to activate special abilities.
    Want more? Earn those plot points by having your character express their worst tendencies or making their lives more difficult.

  5. #35
    I haven't read the Cortex Plus ruleset but the classic version is my favorite ruleset. No classes just abilities and skills. When you want to perform an action. want to attack someone with a sword, are you trained? roll a die for each, the attribute (strength) and skill (sword). Beautifully simple. you can put it in any setting efortlessly. if there is a way to make savage worlds roll combinations of attribute and assoiated skill I would love to know how.
    Last edited by Rlvaughn; January 5th, 2018 at 16:22.

  6. #36
    damned's Avatar
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    Hi Rlvaughn could you clarify one more time as you seem to have two slightly different descriptions...

    Do you roll a max of two dice or can you roll more?
    Do plot points add additional dice, additional modifiers, story elements, other?

    Are most skills going to always roll with the same attribute?
    How often do Attributes increase?

    Is the Target number pretty static?
    Are there critical successes/failures or other scaled results?

    How does damage work?

  7. #37
    You USUALLY roll two dice. the exception being if you are not trained in a skill, in which case you only roll one or if you spend plot points do add an extra die.
    plot points can also be spent to add flair to the story by allowing a character to do a fantastic feat.
    I would say yes, usually, a skill is associated with one attribute but the GM could see fit to change it based on the situation.
    attributes and skills should change slowly over time. A story-driven campaign would say that a halfling traveling across the continent with a group of soldiers might spend some time learning how to handle a sword. hmm, that sounded familiar.
    The target number changes. often. unfortunatly that would be one of the harder things to code and for the GM to keep in mind. but shooting an arrow at a moving target is harder than shooting at a standing target.
    Damage is calculated after the attack succedes. you compair the attack roll and the damage roll to the deffence roll and the armor. the armor is static damage midigation simulair to toughness in savage worlds.

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