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Thread: Maps as Tokens

  1. #1

    Maps as Tokens

    I'm still pretty new to the whole setup, so forgive me if it's not possible.

    Has anyone tried setting up "Dungeon Tiles" as Tokens for on the fly maps? I'd guess that it's possible to lay down the tiles and then place other Tokens above it. Depends on the layering.

    For example, you can have

    Level 1: Players
    Level 2: Tiles
    Level 3: "Hidden" (ex, Traps, Secret Doors, etc)

    So, as they're going along, you can "pull off" level two to reveal hidden things.

    Also, a Token set of different things like tables, chairs, chests, rock walls, and doors would be pretty cool. It would put that rotate function to good use!


  2. #2
    The better way to do it would be to use the tiles at the base layer, and then charter tokens and "hidden entities" on the same layer. Fantasy Grounds has a nifty option to make select 'tokens' invisible to players.

  3. #3
    Sigurd's Avatar
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    It is a nightmare to have tokens on top of tokens. It is very cumbersome to cover substantial parts of your image with tiles. Alignment takes time, juggling takes time and its messy enough to hamper game enjoyment.

    It is far easier to have a Graphics\Tile Program, running at the same time if necessary, spit out a jpg into a maps directory and then reshare the updated map.

    J.R.R. Tolkien wrote, "I wish life was not so short. Languages take such a time, and so do all the things one wants to know about."

  4. #4
    You could also set the grid size correctly for the tiles, and then they will snap in place :-) and you dont have to line them up anymore :-)

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by unerwünscht
    The better way to do it would be to use the tiles at the base layer, and then charter tokens and "hidden entities" on the same layer. Fantasy Grounds has a nifty option to make select 'tokens' invisible to players.
    When you say "base layer", do you mean a JPG/PNG as the background and then put the items on that?

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Sigurd
    It is a nightmare to have tokens on top of tokens. It is very cumbersome to cover substantial parts of your image with tiles. Alignment takes time, juggling takes time and its messy enough to hamper game enjoyment.

    It is far easier to have a Graphics\Tile Program, running at the same time if necessary, spit out a jpg into a maps directory and then reshare the updated map.

    I wasn't planning on moving "floor" items once they were placed. It would only be for things that could move. This option would especially be useful in a Hero set. Things always tend to get thrown/broken around a lot.

    So, using the reshare option pushes the image to all the users? Does this take a lot of time?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by tdewitt274
    When you say "base layer", do you mean a JPG/PNG as the background and then put the items on that?
    Well, honestly that would work as well, but no... I meant using them all as tokens and laying down the map tiles before placing any tokens in the area they inhabit..... Tho now that it has been mentioned it might be nice if they could add a layer option to the map window so we could have a Map Layer, and Tokens layer.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by unerwünscht
    Tho now that it has been mentioned it might be nice if they could add a layer option to the map window so we could have a Map Layer, and Tokens layer.
    I take it that this does not exist and would be a question for the Developers?

  9. #9
    Sigurd's Avatar
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    Ontario, Canada
    Yes, although you do not plan on moving anything. It is not possible to make it perfect and then lock only the background in place. Moving tokens on the map becomes difficult as people miss with their mouse clicks and move underlying tokens.

    I have seen people add trees to a green field to make encounter areas. I imagine it is also possible to place biggish symbols on a map at an appropriate scale. Mostly, you don't get the control you get in an external graphics program.

    Thats why you're better to construct the background in an external program and export it. If you want to change the background do it in the external program and export it again. If you use the same name you can simply, open it, reshare it, and everyone has the updates.

    J.R.R. Tolkien wrote, "I wish life was not so short. Languages take such a time, and so do all the things one wants to know about."

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Sigurd
    Yes, although you do not plan on moving anything. It is not possible to make it perfect and then lock only the background in place. Moving tokens on the map becomes difficult as people miss with their mouse clicks and move underlying tokens.

    I have seen people add trees to a green field to make encounter areas. I imagine it is also possible to place biggish symbols on a map at an appropriate scale. Mostly, you don't get the control you get in an external graphics program.

    Thats why you're better to construct the background in an external program and export it. If you want to change the background do it in the external program and export it again. If you use the same name you can simply, open it, reshare it, and everyone has the updates.


    Won't re-sharing a new map mess up all the grids and scaling? I take some time with this as it makes a big difference to the ease of use of users. Nothing worse than a badly sized image using up all of peoples screens.

    Also why are people talking about Layers? I had do idea there were layers in FG2.

    I think FG2 needs some better way of dealing with stacked tokens anyhow. One nice thing about FG2 is that it sticks closely to a Table Top...so it's natural and fun to drop things on it and move them around. For example I like to use AoE transparent Markers for Burst1-2 etc.

    In fact if there were layers, I see being able to knock up a quick dungeon, by "dragging and dropping" virtual dungeon tiles, a sales point or feature. YOu could even sell various "Tile Sets".Afterall, not everyone wants to mess around with Gimp and PS. I think developers often lose sight of this, since they tend to use these tools a lot.

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