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  1. #11
    Sigurd's Avatar
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    Thanks so much for the info. That is about a million times more communication than I ever expected from the old company.

    Its a pleasure to see you at the head

    J.R.R. Tolkien wrote, "I wish life was not so short. Languages take such a time, and so do all the things one wants to know about."

  2. #12
    I'd love to convert some Deadlands Reloaded products to Fantasy Grounds. I could have Coffin Rock finished in a couple of days (I'm working on converting Deadlands Classic material to FGII at the moment).

    edit: If you are interested in a sample of my work, I have already converted 'The Eye of Kilquato' (a free SW adventure).
    Last edited by sondermann; November 4th, 2009 at 01:57.

  3. #13
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Veldehar
    Any idea what Iron Crown's attitude toward commercial original content modules geared to Rolemaster on FG2 would be? Now that would be fun, I could get into that. Assuming I ever had the time! LOL. I've no idea what sort of rights territory I would be stepping into by designing FG2 modules for their system.
    I will try to find an answer to this for you and post it back here. I'm trying to pitch that basic concept to each of the licensed publishers.

  4. #14
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sondermann
    I'd love to convert some Deadlands Reloaded products to Fantasy Grounds. I could have Coffin Rock finished in a couple of days (I'm working on converting Deadlands Classic material to FGII at the moment).

    edit: If you are interested in a sample of my work, I have already converted 'The Eye of Kilquato' (a free SW adventure).
    The Deadlands Reloaded ruleset (or maybe extension) is one of those on my personal short list. I haven't played Deadlands since it got moved over the Savage Worlds, so I've been reading through both rulebooks/settings prior to starting that endeavor. Getting a flood of good adventure modules for it afterward would be very welcome.

  5. #15
    It'd be a dream come true to have a Pathfinder ruleset and one for Warhammer Fantasy Battles... I don't know how likely that is though.

  6. #16
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by osarusan
    It'd be a dream come true to have a Pathfinder ruleset and one for Warhammer Fantasy Battles... I don't know how likely that is though.
    I agree. I have developed the ruleset for Pathfinder (without the library modules 100% complete yet) and they are currently reviewing it. My discussions with them so far are promising. Feel free to post on their forums about how much you'd like to see that and maybe it will help seal the deal.

  7. #17
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Veldehar
    Any idea what Iron Crown's attitude toward commercial original content modules geared to Rolemaster on FG2 would be? Now that would be fun, I could get into that. Assuming I ever had the time! LOL. I've no idea what sort of rights territory I would be stepping into by designing FG2 modules for their system.
    I heard back from ICE and they are very much wanting to do this. I need to send them an updated contract but it should work according to the proposed breakdown.

  8. #18
    Would it be possible to use old (Classic) Deadlands materials? I'm thinking about creating a token pack(s) from the old Cardboard Heroes sets.

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by nezzir
    I sent an official request to FFG to make a new Warhammer ruleset, however, it is such a large entity and there are so many different companies and properties involved I'm not holding out much hope.

    Don't get me wrong, I understand. That's a mighty big request coming from someone they've never heard of

    If I can get permission, I'd like to recruit a pro team and put together and top shelf ruleset based on the new WFRP.
    Blood for the blood god and a beer for Nezzir!

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  10. #20
    ddavison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sondermann
    Would it be possible to use old (Classic) Deadlands materials? I'm thinking about creating a token pack(s) from the old Cardboard Heroes sets.

    I believe it is all copywritten by the same people, so probably. What does the copyright on the old stuff say? If so I can verify with PEG, but I doubt there would be a problem.

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